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Payout Ratio: 2468% in profit
Last Payout: Dec 29th, 2021
Added: Apr 13th, 2021
Monitored: 409 days
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Our team excels at managing risk, thinking innovatively and taking direct responsibilityfor the funds which we manage for our investors. As an investor, we partner with managementteams to support and help them accelerate their growth strategies.We challenge ourselves to think deeply about investments and never to be complacent. Indoing so we are guided by our values which help provide direction for our ideas andstreamline decision-making. We bring our experience and market knowledge to support andhelp maximise our investor's growth potential.We have a range of investment products/plans to help meet your needs, from long-term investmentplans to lump sum investment plans. Our dynamic investment plans look to identify specific ideas,themes and trends in the market today that will drive tomorrows returns.We Judge our success by how much money you makeWe have a strong responsible investment ethos, displayed by our partnerships withnumerous networks and associations, as well as our 'Infinity' recognition for ourgenuine efforts to improve sustainable practices across our organisationWe treat your investment like it’s our own.We know that your money is hard-earned, saved and invested. It's no simple task to growwealth. That's why we follow a tried-and-true method of real estate acquisition thatprotects your capital, while growing it safely and quickly.Conviction, transparency, specialist and client focusedKnowing that all our strategies are evidence-based enables us to manage with conviction.We buy and hold, buy more on the dips and apply a strong sell discipline when pricesrise. We rebalance as necessary.
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